Related software
Chaosreader: a stream reassembly perl-script
Driftnet: a tool that shows images transitting through the network
Ethereal: the world's most popular network protocol analyzer
Ettercap: a suite for man in the middle attacks
libpcap: the Packet CAPture library
Patched version of libpcap that improves performance on Linux
Portable Coroutine Library (PCL)
Related documentation
The 4+1 View Model of Software Architecture
Creating and Using KParts
Coding with KParts
ARP Vulnerabilities: The Complete Documentation
RFC 826 - Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
RFC 791 - Internet Protocol (IP)
RFC 793 - Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
RFC 768 - User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
RFC 1035 - Domain Name System (DNS)
RFC 959 - File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
RFC 2616 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
RFC 821 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
RFC 1939 - Post Office Protocol (POP)
RFC 854 - Telnet Protocol Specification
MSN Messenger Protocol
OSCAR protocol documentation
The Signal Stack Trick For User-Space Thread Creation